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HOW IT'S DONE - hand made illustration

Hand-made black illustration of alfa Alfa Romeo 8C 2900B Corto Touring Spider
HOW IT'S DONE - digital illustration

Digital foto-realistic illustration - printed in natural size. First drawn as a freehand illustration, than colored to photo-realism
HOW IT'S DONE - digital illustration on smartphone Samsung Note 9

Digital illustration of greeting card with Lancia Aurelia B24 Spider - hand-made on a smartphone Samsung Note 9.
Some comissioned freehand illustrations in various techniques

Digital illustration of Maserati A6G 2000 Berlinetta Zagato - hand-made on a smartphone Samsung Note 9

Digital illustration of Ferrari Testarossa hard top - hand-made on a smartphone Samsung Note 9

Hand-made illustration of Aston Martin VAnquish & DB5 - combination of markers, chalk and pencil

Hand-made illustration of Porsche 911 turbo - acrylic painting

Hand-made illustration of SEAT ibiza rallye car - for Slovenian rallye champion Andrej Jereb

Hand-made illustration of Bugatti Royale

Hand-made illustration of Alfa Romeo Giulietta Spider - markers, chalks and white pencil

Hand-made illustration of Italdesign Nazca - markers and chalks

Hand-made illustration of Lamborghini Cala - chalks and ink

Hand-made illustration of McLaren F1 - chalks and ink

Hand-made illustration of Ferrari F50 - chalks and ink

Hand-made illustration of Aston Martin DB5 - pencil

Hand-made illustration of Ford Mustang - pencil

Hand-made illustration of BMW Z8 - pencil

Hand-made illustration of Lotus Esprit - pencil

Hand-made illustration of Aston Martin Vanquish - pencil

Hand-made illustration of Lamborghini Cala - pencil

Hand-made illustration of Renault Initiale - pencil
Special work
Hand-made drawings on the wal and blinds
More examples can be shown on request
Vsebina spletne strani je avtorsko delo! V skladu z zakonom o
avtorskih pravicah je last Praper Aleksandra. Vsaka nedovoljena
uporaba vsebine, objavljene na tej strani, je kaznivo dejanje.
O možnosti uporabe prispevkov se je potrebno dogovoriti z avtorjem!